Vitality Sports Chiropractic
At Vitality Sports Chiropractic, your chiropractor Dr. Wiskind specializes in sports and family chiropractic, while adding in other techniques such as, Graston, Kinesio Taping, Vertigo work and physiotherapy to help the body reach its maximum potential. We ask the question, “What’s your field of play?” Not just to find out what sport you might be active in, but to get to the source of what is truly ailing you. The body is a machine like any other. It may be organic in nature, but a machine nonetheless. Like any other machine it breaks down when we forsake its scheduled maintenance. Our mantra is that VSC holds a place for the athlete in all of us.
- Address: 255 Norcross St. Roswell, GA 30075
- Email:drwiskind@vitalitysportschiropractic.com
- Categories: Chiropractor, Doctors, Therapy
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